Reliable Commerical Property Management Services
Whether you own a retail building, a medical/dental/surgical practice or a national/regional/local franchise service center, managing your commercial property's daily operations is stressful. But with LEAP Solutions, LLC, on your side, you can rest easy. Drawing on years of experience, we offer a variety of commercial property management services designed to enhance efficiency and make your life easier.
Initial Consultation - Discovering Your Needs
Before we take over your property management tasks, we sit down for an in-depth consultation that allows us to learn more about your property. During this meeting, we ask a series of questions that will determine how we manage your property for you; if you aren't sure about the details, we'll help you figure them out. Some of these topics or questions include:- A discussion about tenant leases.
- Risk Management.
- Your building's square footage, age, history.
- What are your property's special needs?
- What are your maintenance needs?
- What are your general budget needs?
- Ways of maximizing your property's value?
- What Capital Projects need to be included in long range plans?
What We Provide
- Annual Tenant CAM Reconciliations - includes providing Common Area Maintenance expense reports that reconcile building expenses to tenant payment
- Bill Payment - Making sure utilities and other Common Area expenses are paid
- Capital Project Management - Managing capital expenditures for projects like property upgrades
- Day Porter Services - Keeping outside premises of your property tidy
- Financial Statement Preparation - Providing statements for annual audits, yearly property evaluations, etc.
- Frequent Site Visits - Ensuring the safety of your property in an effort to reduce emergencies
- General & Safety Inspections - Initial safety inspection conducted prior to managing your property
- Lease Administration - Initiating leases, negotiating and monitoring terms and conditons on-going, etc.
- Preventive Maintenance and Repairs - Making arrangements for general maintenance and repairs as needed
- Rent Collection - Collecting rent payments from tenants
- Tenant Relations
- Cash Management
- Communication with Tax Accountant, Annual Budget, etc.
- Construction Oversight
- Risk Management - We proactively collect and maintain on file current Certificates of Liability Insurance Coverage for each Tenant and Vendor.
Additional Services / Special Projects
We are always open to providing assistance on quotes for necessary or creative projects such as ingress/egress improvements; parking area safety lighting or serveillance installations, and other similar projects for indoor or underground parking facilities. We oversee the projects required to enhance your property.